I need to provide users with exact time of data integrity in case of forced service with possible data loss.
I guess that I can find last LSN using:
SELECT [mirroring_failover_lsn]
FROM [master].[sys].[database_mirroring]
But that won't give me exact time.
Read How to read and interpret the SQL Server log. You'll see that LOP_BEGIN_XACT contains a timestamp. Given an LSN, you can analize the log and find all pending transactions (that is all xact_ids that do not have a commit or rollback logged before the given LSN). All the pending transations will be rolled back in case of failover. This will be the data lost if a forced failover occurs. There will be a number of transactions pending that will be undone, and these various transactions have started at various times. If you want to attach a 'exact time of data integrity' then you can say that no data loss will occur for anything earlier than the earliest pending lop_begin_xact. Eg. given the following log stream:
| LSN | Operation | xact_id | timestampt |
| 1 |INSERT | 1 | |
| 2 |BEGIN_XACT | 2 | 12:00 |
| 3 |INSERT | 1 | |
| 4 |BEGIN_XACT | 3 | 12:02 |
| 5 |COMMIT_XACT| 1 | |
| 6 |INSERT | 2 | |
| 7 |INSERT | 3 | |
| 8 |COMMIT_XACT| 3 | |
| 9 |COMMIT_XACT| 2 | |
Lets say that the mirroring failover LSN is 8. In this case you can say that not data loss will occur earlier than 12:00, because xact_id 2 is not committed at LSN 8 and therefore it will be rolled back. Note that xact_id 3 is commited by LSN 8 so it won't be lost, even though it has a later time stamp. So your timestamp is no t absolute, this is why I say 'no data loss will occur earlier than...' rather than 'data after ... will be lost'.