I am using Play2 with scala. I am new in Play2 and scala. I need authentication and authorization in a project. So which is the best for me from following? And why?
Is any one like a Spring security? I need authorization based on a user role and also need social login like google+, facebook and twitter and also our own side login.
So please tell me the best solution for me. And also explain why it best?
Deadbolt2 is only an Authorization framework. Play2-Auth and SecureSocial both do Authentication and Authorization but their Authorization capabilities are much weaker than Deadbolt2. Play2-Auth does not have social login capabilities (that I know of). SecureSocial does.
I am using SecureSocial for the exact use case you are mentioning: social and local logins with role-based authorization. It works well for my purposes. I am using the current stable version (2.1.4 for Play 2.2.x) but be advised that the next version (that supports Play 2.3.x) is quite different and the upgrade procedure is painful. I have tried it once and have given up on it for the time being.