Look at the following code snippet.
import "dart:mirrors";
class meta {
final String data;
const meta(this.data);
doSomething() => print("You have to do something");
void main() {
How can I retrieve functions, that is market with metadata tags? In my example, I want to find out, which method is marked with meta tags.
you could do something like this:
void main() {
void getMetaData() {
LibraryMirror currentLib = currentMirrorSystem().libraries.values.last;
currentLib.declarations.forEach((Symbol s, DeclarationMirror mirror) {
if(mirror.metadata.length > 0) {
print('Symbol $s has MetaData: "${mirror.metadata.first.reflectee.data}"');
This should give you:
You have to do something
Symbol Symbol("doSomething") has MetaData: "Tag"
You could also analyze your files from another project and use dart:mirrors on that file instead of inspecting the current library. Maybe libraries.values.last
will not always return the current library - so you might need to change it. In my case it worked.