I'm using SimPy 2.3 and have a process which generates customers at an ATM at a random rate and another process which serves customers at a random rate. When the line is empty I want the ATM to wait for the next customer before doing anything else.
Here's some code
class ATM(Process):
def Run(self):
while 1:
if self.atm_line.customers is 0:
yield hold, wait for self.atm_line.customers != 0 # this is the line I'm stuck on
yield hold, self, random.expovariate(.1)
self.atm_line.customers -= 1
class ATM_Line(Process):
def __init__(self):
self.customers = 0
def Run(self):
while 1:
yield hold, self, random.expovariate(.1)
self.customers += 1
a = ATM()
a.atm_line = ATM_Line()
activate(a, a.Run())
activate(a.atm_line, a.atm_line.Run())
What is a good way to do this?
I was able to solve this problem using yield waitevent and signals. The working code is below.
from SimPy.Simulation import *
from random import Random, expovariate, uniform
class ATM(Process):
def Run(self):
while 1:
if self.atm_line.customers is 0:
yield waitevent, self, self.atm_line.new_customer
yield hold, self, random.expovariate(.05)
self.atm_line.customers -= 1
class ATM_Line(Process):
def __init__(self):
self.customers = 0
self.new_customer = SimEvent()
def Run(self):
while 1:
yield hold, self, random.expovariate(.07)
self.customers += 1
a = ATM()
a.atm_line = ATM_Line()
activate(a, a.Run())
activate(a.atm_line, a.atm_line.Run())