Novice question: I have a bunch of variables defined inside an exports function, for example:
var movies;
function Tabs(Window) {
//create module instance
var self = Ti.UI.createTabGroup({
activeTabIconTint: '#F4CA53',
tabsBackgroundColor: '#000000'
movies = Ti.UI.createTableView({
data: movieData,
return self;
module.exports = Tabs;
Then over in another js file, that is included in scope, I'm trying to reference that movies variable (tableview). I have tried different things and nothing works:
How can I update the "data" property of the "movies" tableview when I am outside the "Tabs" function?
Can't you just pass it to the Tabs function?
function Tabs(Window, movieData) {
//create module instance
var self = Ti.UI.createTabGroup({
activeTabIconTint: '#F4CA53',
tabsBackgroundColor: '#000000'
movies = Ti.UI.createTableView({
data: movieData,
return self;
module.exports = Tabs;
//then call it like:
Tabs(window, movieData);