This code works just fine to display a list of reservations for a given day and sums the guest and table counts just fine for the entire day. Sums all reservations returned.
What I am trying to do or figure out is a way to get totals based on specific time intervals. For example how many guests and tables at 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, etc....
I can see where the sums are calculated, but need help adding a way to add a variable to look at the reservation_time and sum by hour rather than just daily total.
$tablesum ++;
$guestsum += $row->reservation_pax;
<?php echo $guestsum;?> <?php echo _guest_summary;?>
The full code that pulls in the data and then sums it up in total:
// Clear reservation variable
$reservations ='';
if ($_SESSION['page'] == 1) {
$reservations = querySQL('all_reservations');
$reservations = querySQL('reservations');
// reset total counters
$tablesum = 0;
$guestsum = 0;
if ($reservations) {
//start printing out reservation grid
foreach($reservations as $row) {
// reservation ID
$id = $row->reservation_id;
$_SESSION['reservation_guest_name'] = $row->reservation_guest_name;
// check if reservation is tautologous
$tautologous = querySQL('tautologous');
echo "<tr id='res-".$id."'>";
echo "<td";
// daylight coloring
if ($row->reservation_time > $daylight_evening){
echo " class='evening noprint'";
}else if ($row->reservation_time > $daylight_noon){
echo " class='afternoon noprint'";
}else if ($row->reservation_time < $daylight_noon){
echo " class='morning noprint'";
echo " style='width:10px !important; padding:0px;'> </td>";
echo "<td id='tb_time'";
// reservation after maitre message
if ($row->reservation_timestamp > $maitre['maitre_timestamp'] && $maitre['maitre_comment_day']!='') {
echo " class='tautologous' title='"._sentence_13."' ";
echo ">";
echo "<strong>".formatTime($row->reservation_time,$general['timeformat'])."</strong></td>";
echo "<td id='tb_pax'><strong class='big'>".$row->reservation_pax."</strong> <span class='noprint'>";
$tablesum ++;
$guestsum += $row->reservation_pax;
<?php echo $guestsum;?> <?php echo _guest_summary;?>
Ok I am getting close: was able to get it to total and display... though I need to narrow by one more parameter. That is giving me the total guest count (reservation_pax) for all reservations. I need to do it by the given date or session. The page shows only reservation for the date selected, but script counts all days with reservations at 8:00.
Just need help to narrow by session page is already creating for specific date being viewed.
$result = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(reservation_pax) FROM reservations WHERE reservation_time = '8:00'");
if($result === FALSE) {
die(mysql_error()); // TODO: better error handling
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo $row['SUM(reservation_pax)'];
$result = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(reservation_pax) FROM reservations WHERE reservation_time = '8:00:00' AND reservation_date = '2014-10-27' AND reservation_hidden ='0'") ;
if($result === FALSE) {
die(mysql_error()); // TODO: better error handling
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo $row['SUM(reservation_pax)'];