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How to share data between two modules in AngularJS?

I am using AngularJS along with c# mvc. I have a home page where user enters some data and that should be passed to the second module where I use this data for processing and decisions. I have to use the data entered or updated in the first module within the second module. Can someone help me how to achieve this?


  • Hope the following implementation will help you to get some understanding.

    angular.module('app.A', [])
    .service('ServiceA', function() {
        this.getValue = function() {
            return this.myValue;
        this.setValue = function(newValue) {
            this.myValue = newValue;
    angular.module('app.B', ['app.A'])
    .service('ServiceB', function(ServiceA) {
        this.getValue = function() {
            return ServiceA.getValue();
        this.setValue = function() {
            ServiceA.setValue('New value');