Im looking for a way to map an ActiveResource to SimpleDB
I want to avoid plugins/gems as all I have used are outdated/buggy/not mantained
It doesnt seem hard, I wonder if any of you have succesfully implemented a rails app with simpleDB as an Active Resource. How did you do it? Thanks.
I haven't worked with SimpleDB, but I have mapped ActiveResource to Amazon's Flexible Payments Service REST api and just skimming the docs they seem similar so here's basically what I did, maybe you can use this as a starting point.
require 'base64'
require 'openssl'
class AmazonFlexiblePaymentResource < ActiveResource::Base = AMZ_CONFIG['flexible_api_url']
def self.rest_api(options = {})
params = common_request_params.update(options)
sig = compute_signature(AMZ_CONFIG['secret_access_key'], 'get', site, params)
rest_req = {'Signature' => sig}.update(params)
# make the http get call
connection.get("/#{query_string(rest_req)}", headers)
# these are the params are common to all rest api calls
def self.common_request_params
{ 'AWSAccessKeyId' => AMZ_CONFIG['access_key_id'],
'SignatureVersion' => 2,
'SignatureMethod' => 'HmacSHA256',
'Timestamp' =>,
'Version' => '2008-09-17'}
def self.compute_signature(key, method, end_point_url, params)
query_str = parameters.sort.collect {|k, v| v.to_query(k)}.join '&'
# cannot use plus for space, and tilde needs to be reversed
query_str.gsub!('+', '%20')
query_str.gsub!('%7E', '~')
to_sign = [method.upcase,,
end_point_uri.request_uri, query_str].join "\n"
digest ='sha256')
hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, key, to_sign)
Then I just make calls like this
res = AmazonFlexiblePaymentResource.rest_api({ 'Action' => 'GetTransactionStatus', 'TransactionId' => '1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ' })
And the response is a hash of the parsed xml. Again this works for Amazon Flexible Payments Service, so you may need to make adjustments to match the SimpleDB REST API.