In my app for iOS I've used the rightNavButtons
property of a window to add two buttons in the top right.
However, the click events on these buttons only work for the first 4 taps and then nothing happens when you click on them. What is going on? Could this be a bug with Titanium?
Here is my code:
Titanium SDK version: 3.4.0.v20140916181713
Alloy version: 1.5.1
Controller - index.js:
var addButton = Ti.UI.createButton({ systemButton: Ti.UI.iPhone.SystemButton.ADD });
var searchButton = Ti.UI.createButton({ systemButton: Ti.UI.iPhone.SystemButton.SEARCH });
addButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
console.log("ADD was clicked!");
searchButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
console.log("SEARCH was clicked!");
$.win.setRightNavButtons([searchButton, addButton]);
View - index.xml
<Tab title="Tab 1" icon="KS_nav_ui.png">
<Window id="win" title="Tab 1">
<Label>I am Window 1</Label>
<Tab title="Tab 2" icon="KS_nav_views.png">
<Window title="Tab 2">
<Label>I am Window 2</Label>
Tested this code and it should work for you
<Tab title="Tab 1" icon="KS_nav_ui.png">
<Window id="win" title="Tab 1">
<RightNavButtons platform=ios>
<Button systemButton="Ti.UI.iPhone.SystemButton.ADD" onClick="addHandler" />
<Button systemButton="Ti.UI.iPhone.SystemButton.SEARCH" onClick="searchHandler" />
<Label>I am Window 1</Label>