I have a multi-project build with Gradle 2.0, where I want to defer all publish tasks to run after all build tasks have completed successfully, so that either all or none of the projects get published. I tried to use mustRunAfter
, but without success. Therefore I reduced my setup to a minimal one:
Let's assume a gradle multi-project build with two subprojects 'foo' and 'bar', each with a build.gradle
like this:
task 'build'
task 'publish'(dependsOn: build)
This will execute as:
$ gradlew publish
:bar:build UP-TO-DATE
:bar:publish UP-TO-DATE
:foo:build UP-TO-DATE
:foo:publish UP-TO-DATE
Then I added the following build.gradle
to the root project:
def allBuilds = task build
subprojects {
afterEvaluate {
allBuilds.dependsOn build
publish.mustRunAfter allBuilds
But this does not change the execution order.
If I, however, change mustRunAfter
into dependsOn
, the execution looks like this:
$ gradlew publish
:bar:build UP-TO-DATE
:foo:build UP-TO-DATE
:build UP-TO-DATE
:bar:publish UP-TO-DATE
:foo:publish UP-TO-DATE
The downside of course is, that I cannot execute any subproject's :publish without all other projects :build being invoked. Is this a bug with mustRunAfter for multi-projects, am I doing it wrong or is there a better alternative to achieve this?
The problem seems to be, that the :build
task is not actually executed, therefore the mustRunAfter
has no effect. Instead of one root build
task, I had to declare dependencies between all projects individually:
subprojects {
afterEvaluate {
publish.dependsOn assemble
publish.mustRunAfter parent.subprojects*.assemble
I used assemble
instead of build
to avoid running all tests, just like publish