I'm using sunspot solr in my rails app to handle searching and I've set up a facet to allow searching through price ranges. How can I create labels to use for the row values in the views. This article here suggests using conditional statements but I'm not sure how I would do this.
So for example instead of the values appearing as:
etc.. I want to display them as:
$0 - $75
$75 - $150
$150 - $225
$225 - $300
Can someone help me with this? Thanks.
searchable :auto_index => true, :auto_remove => true do
text :title, :boost => 5
text :marker_list, :boost => 2
string :marker_list, :multiple => true, :stored => true
double :price
def index
@listings = Listing.order('created_at desc').page(params[:page]).per_page(60)
@search = Listing.solr_search do
fulltext params[:listings]
facet :price, :range => 0..2000, :range_interval => 75
with(:price, Range.new(*params[:price_range].split("..").map(&:to_i))) if params[:price_range].present?
@results = Listing.where(id: @search.results.map(&:id)).page(params[:page]).per_page(60)
<% for row in @search.facet(:price).rows %>
<span class="bprice">
<%= link_to row.value, :price_range => row.value, :search => params[:listings] %>
<% end %>
Is this just a question of regex replacement?
Try this:
new_string = old_string.gsub(/\.0\.\./,"$ - ").gsub(/\.0/,"$")
# old_string = "0.0..75.0"
# new_string = "0$ - 75$"
That would probably mean in your code
<%= link_to (row.value).to_s.gsub(/\.0\.\./,"$ - ").gsub(/\.0/,"$"),
:price_range => row.value, :search => params[:listings] %>