i need to update around 1,5k patient records with Issuer of Patient
ID on DCM4CHEE PACS server.
I figured i will manage to do it efficiently through HL7 messages (either A31
or A08
) though i cannot find appropriate syntax to do it nowhere.
If anyone knows how to do it (in this or any other way) i would be most grateful
Thanks in advance
After all i went with script sending HL7 message ADT^A08
for each record i'd like to modify.
Since i wanted to update only this patients that didn't have Issuer of Patient ID
already, and dcm4chee-web3 interface does not support filtering in that manner (cannot search for 'does not have an issuer') i had no choice but to go into database.
I queried PACS database for patients with empty pat_issuer
field and exported returned results to file
Then i ran my script which walked through the file line by line, put data in above-mentioned HL7 message and send it to server (i used python-hl7 library which also provides command line utility for sending HL7).
It worked well and didn't take a lot of time either to write it, and to use it so i will deem it answer to my question.