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Multiple TFS server for the same project

For the same project I want to use 2 TFS server, because I have 2 groups of developers and they can only access their own TFS and I can access both.

This is very easy to do with git. Take a look at my .git/config file. This project uses both github and bitbucket for remote.

[remote "origin"]
        url = [email protected]:company/project-app.git
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/master
[remote "origin-bitbucket"]
        url = [email protected]:company/project-app.git
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin-bitbucket/*
[branch "bitbucket-master"]
        remote = origin-bitbucket
        merge = refs/heads/bitbucket-master

Now, 2 sets of developers work on both bitbucket and github. I merge their change and push them to both servers.

I have a business reason for this.

I am wondering if it is possible with TFS or not.

BTW, I would rather have 2 TFS servers, but 1 TFS and 1 git server is also acceptable.


  • I don't think it is possible to sync 2 TFSVC server!

    If you want to sync 1 TFS with 1 git, perhaps you could using :

    • git-tf if you have no branches

    • git-tfs if your main server is TFS and that you will push after to your git repository (you could use branches).

    But with the two solutions, it will be a pain in the ass!

    The better solution is to convince your colleagues to use TFS2013 Git repositories. There is a lot to win here! And you could migrate your sources with git-tfs...