I need to subtract 0.5 from number a and set the answer to number b. My code looks like it would work but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. The error I get Is on the subtraction line, the error says incompatible type for argument 1 of 'decimalNumberBySubtracting:'
Heres my header: (Note: I only showed the numbers because the header is large)
NSDecimalNumber *a;
NSDecimalNumber *b;
Heres the rest: (Assume this is in an IBAction)
b = [a decimalNumberBySubtracting:0.5];
If anyone knows how to properly subtract any help would be appreciated.
The parameter must be an NSDecimalNumber too.
NSDecimalNumber *half = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"0.5"];
b = [a decimalNumberBySubtracting:half];
In your example you're using a float. There are two reason that cannot work: