I get an overflow exception when Convert.ToDecimal(float number here)
is called. I'm reading from a byte string and hoping to convert the byte array to a decimal number.
byte[] hexbyte = {45, 6, 7, 29};
float myFloat = BitConverter.ToSingle(hexbyte, 0);
//Make sure the float can be converted to decimal
if (!float.IsNaN(myFloat) ||
!float.IsInfinity(myFloat) ||
myFloat < (float)decimal.MaxValue ||
myFloat > (float)decimal.MinValue)
try {
myFloatD = Convert.ToDecimal(myFloat);
catch (Exception ex)
Debugger.Log(0, "1", ex.ToString());
return 0;
return 0;
myFloat = (float)Math.Round(myFloatD, 2); // 1 indicates the decimal places
Even when I put constrains to check whether the float is too large/too small/to infinity for the conversion, the code still ends up at the catch exception...
You're using or operators where you should be using and operators. It is possible for any float which is NaN, infinite, > decimal.MaxValue or < decimal.MinValue to pass your if criteria, as long as it is not all of those things at the same time.
Here's what you need to ensure:
myFloat < (float)decimal.MaxValue && myFloat > (float)decimal.MinValue
Here's what you're actually ensuring:
myFloat < (float)decimal.MaxValue || myFloat > (float)decimal.MinValue
The latter is always true for any given float, even ones that are outside the valid bounds of the decimal type.