Can someone explain to me if this is possible, or I'm completely missunderstanding this Delphi feature.
Let's say I have a class, I create a few of them, and then add them to an ObjectList. Normally I do it like this:
Type TMyClass = class(TObject)
stuff: string;
Var things: TObjectList;
things := TObjectList.Create;
// now I want to access stuff, so I need to typecast the class
So now my question, is it possible to declare the list in a way where I could just do like.. things[0].stuff and still have access to the the usual TObjectList features like .sort .indexof etc..? (without making a special class for this to simulate the objectlist)
You are using the TObjectList from System.Contnrs, which manages a list of pointers.
You want TObjectList from System.Generics.Collections. I know, using the same name can be a little confusing.
Type TMyClass = class(TObject)
stuff: string;
Var things: TObjectList<TMyCLass>;
things := TObjectList<TMyCLass>.Create;