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How to convert a Drawable to a scaled Bitmap

In my ImageView's onDraw I am struggling to convert a Drawable object to a Bitmap (respecting scaling). I'm loading an SVG file as a PictureDrawable. Then I'm trying to apply rounded corners to the image with a BitmapShader. In order to do that I have to convert the Drawable to Bitmap. It basically works, but I'm not getting my head around the scaling procedure.

Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(

Canvas canvas = new Canvas( bitmap )
// Scaling the Canvas appears to work ...
canvas.concat( getImageMatrix() )
    // ... however this will not fill the viewport, as the getWidth and getHeight
    // values do not reflect the scaling
    new RectF( 0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight() )

paint.setShader( new BitmapShader( bitmap, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP ) )
    new RectF( 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight() ),

Erroneous rendering example for centerCrop scaling: screenshot

Besides the problem described in the code comments above I am wondering whether it might be possible to mask the the Picture/SVG file with drawing operations such as clipPath instead of this heavy Bitmap conversion. But it'd have to be anti-aliased, of course.

The code was originally written in Scala and loosely translated to Java for SO, so please ignore any Syntax errors


  • With pskink's answer (Make Image view rounded (not the image)) to a similar question I came to the following solution, based on the saveLayer approach (with some minor modifications).

    public void onDraw( Canvas canvas )
        Paint paint1 = new Paint( Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG )
        Paint paint2 = new Paint()
        paint2.setXfermode( new PorterDuffXfermode( Mode.SRC_IN ) )
        Drawable drawable = getDrawable()
        RectF rectangle = new RectF()
        rectangle.set( drawable.getBounds() )
        getImageMatrix.mapRect( rectangle )
        rectangle.offset( getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop() )
        // Prevent radius being drawn out of canvas bounds
        rectangle.intersect( new RectF( 0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight() ) )
        int restore = canvas.saveLayer( rectangle, null, Canvas.ALL_SAVE_FLAG )
        canvas.drawRoundRect( rectangle, radius.getValue(), radius.getValue(), paint1 )
        canvas.saveLayer( rectangle, paint2, Canvas.ALL_SAVE_FLAG )
        super.onDraw( canvas )
        canvas.restoreToCount( restore )

    The above code ignores object caching in class level and ignores NPE from getDrawable().