I would like to make some clean up on a bean when I shutdown a CDI application. For example, I would like to close an IO connection. Of course, here, the bean is marked as @ApplicationScoped.
To manage this I wrote an extension and observe the BeforeShutdown event, and then I select my bean to call a clean up method :
public void beforeShutdown(@Observes BeforeShutdown beforeShutdown) {
SomeBean obj = CDI.current().select(SomeBean.class).get();
My problem is that I have access to a new instance in this method. Not the instance I got in the whole application.
If you want to see this instance problem, I've made a repo on github to show it : https://github.com/hasalex/cdi-extension-demo.
So I have 2 questions :
look here: http://docs.jboss.org/cdi/spec/1.1.EDR1/html/spi.html#provider
11.5.4. BeforeShutdown event
The container must fire a final event after it has finished processing requests and destroyed all contexts.
Maybe you want to use @PreDestroy: http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/gmgkd.html
Annotate the declaration of the method with the javax.annotation.PreDestroy annotation.
CDI calls this method before starting to destroy the bean.