I'm trying to use the telephonenumber plugin from the following git repository: https://github.com/macdonst/TelephoneNumberPlugin.git and I keep getting an empty string instead of the phone number. there is no error, the success function is called.
I'm using Cordova 3.0, here's the code how I use the plugin:
var telephoneNumber = cordova.require("cordova/plugin/telephonenumber");
telephoneNumber.get(function(result) {alert(result);}, function() {alert("FAILED!");});
and yes, I'm calling it after deviceready event :) I even setup a timer that calls it every few seconds, but all I get is empty string as result. any ideas?
Not all the phones can return the phone number, in fact, most of them can't.
Go to settings app, and on the device info there should be a field for the phone number. If the phone number is empty there, there is nothing you can do.