I'm stuck at a problem in Coq, would be great if anyone had any tips on how to break the problem down into smaller steps. The lemma is this:
Lemma gcd_prime : forall (a b : Z), a > 1 -> b > 1 ->
Z.gcd a b = 1 -> Zmod a b <> 0
That is, if a
and b
are coprime and higher than 1
, a mod b
is not 0
This is where I'm stuck:
p : positive
p0 : positive
H : Z.pos p > 1
H0 : Z.pos p0 > 1
H1 : Z.gcd (Z.pos p) (Z.pos p0) = 1
Z.pos p mod Z.pos p0 <> 0
After doing the intros and induction and removed the obvious cases.
Maybe I must rephrase the mod
part into remainder
instead? Or should I replace H1
with something weaker, like p <> p0
Doing SearchAbout Zmod.
returns a lot of lemmas, but I'm not sure on how to adapt them.
and omega
are your friends. Remember you can search things that mention several definitions at once, such as Z.gcd
and 0
. Here's a solution:
Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma gcd_prime : forall (a b : Z), a > 1 -> b > 1 ->
Z.gcd a b = 1 -> Zmod a b <> 0.
intros a b Ha Hb Hgcd Hmod.
rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b), Hmod, Zplus_0_r in Hgcd; try omega.
rewrite Z.gcd_comm, Z.gcd_mul_diag_l in Hgcd; omega.