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Sprite Kit runAction delay, weird bug?

this is my third attempt of trying to solve the problem with the delay of runAction with completion.

Iv'e done some testing and gotten this far. I hope someone can tell me if there is some setting or other that creates this delay.

I started a new sprite kit project and added this. It works great. Smooth movement.

But when I add a "hero" node and this code into my existing project it stops for a millisecond between the action and the completion.

Is there anyone that knows why?

-(void)loopTest {
SKAction *move = [SKAction moveTo:CGPointMake(hero.position.x+32, hero.position.y) duration:0.7];
[hero runAction:move completion:^{
[self loopTest];


  • I rebuilt the app from scratch (time consuming...) but the problem was presentScene..

    I used ResizeFill instead of AspectFill.. When I changed it, no more freezing problems.