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Smarty: Trim zeros from the end of string/float value

Need to format value, cutting zeros from the end, in this way:

3     => 3 
3.    => 3 
3.0   => 3 
3.00  => 3 
3.000 => 3 
3.009 => 3.009 
3.003 => 3.003
3.01  => 3.01 
3.10  => 3.1 
3.16  => 3.16 

Found these Smarty modifier plugin that will do the job {$var|zero_cut:4} :

vl@vl plugins $ cat modifier.zero_cut.php 

   * Smarty insignificant zero cutter modifier plugin 
   * Type:     modifier<br> 
   * Name:     zero_cut<br> 
   * Purpose:  Format string, representing float value with given 
   *           number of digits after decimal point with deletion 
   *           of insignificant zeros. 
   * Example:  {$var|zero_cut:2} , where 2 is number of significant 
   *                               digits after decimal point to show 
   *           if number is 0(by default), function returns 
   *           sprintf("%.0f",$str) 
   *           input string must be separated with '.' symbol 
   * Date:     January 29,2005 
   * @author   `VL <[email protected]> 
   * @version  1.0 
   * @param string 
   * @param integer 
   * @return string 
   * Example output: 
   * 3     => 3 
   * 3.    => 3 
   * 3.0   => 3 
   * 3.00  => 3 
   * 3.000 => 3 
   * 3.009 => 3.01 
   * 3.003 => 3 
   * 3.01  => 3.01 
   * 3.10  => 3.1 
   * 3.16  => 3.16 

function smarty_modifier_zero_cut($str,$digits=0) 
        # format value with given number of digits after decimal point 

                return $value; 

        # break it in 2 parts 
        list($left,$right)=explode (".",$value); 

        # now we move the string, starting from the end 
        # and counting how many insignificant zeros exists 

        $len=strlen($right); # got length 
        $k=0; # how many symbols to skip,starting from end of string 
                # found insignificant zero, increase counter 
                        break; # found insignificant digit, stop moving 

        # drop counted number of symbols at the end of string 

        # if right part is not empty, add decimal point symbol 

        # return whole value 
        return $left.$right; 


                # found insignificant zero, increase counter 
                        break; # found insignificant digit, stop moving 

        # drop counted number of symbols at the end of string 

        # if right part is not empty, add decimal point symbol 

        # return whole value 
        return $left.$right; 


It's ok., but I want to ask - is there some other, standard method to do this?


  • You could do for such numbers, using rtrim function:

    PHP data:

    $data = ['3', '3.','3.0','3.00','3.000','3.009','3.003','3.01','3.10','3.16'];

    Smarty file:

    {foreach $values as $val}
        {$val} => {$val|rtrim:'0'|rtrim:'.'}<br />


    3 => 3
    3. => 3
    3.0 => 3
    3.00 => 3
    3.000 => 3
    3.009 => 3.009
    3.003 => 3.003
    3.01 => 3.01
    3.10 => 3.1
    3.16 => 3.16

    but obviously it won't work in all cases. For example for 30 it will also trim it to 3 so you should modify it a bit to detect . in argument:

    {foreach $values as $val}
        {$val} =>
        {if $val|strpos:'.' eq true}
            {$val|rtrim:'0'|rtrim:'.'}<br />
            {$val}<br />