# #################################################
# Subroutine to add data to the table BlastSearch
# Could be redone to be more general, but it seems more
# efficient to add data as it is pulled from the xml.
# #################################################
sub addData {
my (@data, $dbhandle) = @_;
print join(", ", @data) . "\n";
my $sqlcmd = "insert into BlastSearch values('" . join("','",@data) . "')";
$dbhandle->do($sqlcmd) or die $DBI::errstr;
This give the error message "Can't call method "do" on an undefined value." Is there anything in this particular method that is causing the problem? I can add more of the script if needed. My only guess is that it has to do with '@data,' which is filled in the code below:
# #################################################
# Subroutine to find the:
# Accession id
# e-value (Hsp_evalue)
# number of identites (Hsp_identity)
# of the top five matches.
# #################################################
sub parseBlastXML {
my ($file, $dbhandle) = @_;
my $xml = new XML::Simple();
my $data = $xml->XMLin($file, forcearray=>[qw(Hit)], keyattr=>[]);
my $entry_node = $data->{BlastOutput_iterations};
my $iterhit = $entry_node->{Iteration}->{Iteration_hits}->{Hit};
#quick find of uniprotID
my $uniProtID = substr($file, 0, 6);
my $count = 0;
foreach my $val (@$iterhit) {
my @dataarray;
if ($val->{Hit_hsps} && $count < 5) {
print "\n";
print "Hit accession: " . $val->{Hit_accession} . "\n";
print "e-value: " . $val->{Hit_hsps}->{Hsp}->{Hsp_evalue} . "\n";
print "number of ID's: " . $val->{Hit_hsps}->{Hsp}->{Hsp_identity} . "\n";
push(@dataarray, $val->{Hit_accession});
push(@dataarray, $val->{Hit_hsps}->{Hsp}->{Hsp_evalue});
push(@dataarray, $val->{Hit_hsps}->{Hsp}->{Hsp_identity});
push(@dataarray, $uniProtID);
addData(@dataarray, $dbhandle);
$count ++;
return $data;
The following is a bug as @data
will always slurp all the values in @_
, leaving $dbhandle
sub addData {
my (@data, $dbhandle) = @_; # $dbhandle will always be undefined
To fix, you need to reorder your arguments, and always have the array last in the assignment.
sub addData {
my ( $dbhandle, @data ) = @_;
sub parseBlastXML {
addData( $dbhandle, @dataarray );
Note: it would also be possible to pop
the dbh off the end of the parameter list. However, such a coding style is not a good idea.