I am new to SWIFT and I just started implementing my first application for OS X. I created a simple project and decided Ill look into different frameworks for using zip/rar files. I started with ZipArchive as recommended but couldn't make it work in my project - didn't even compile (probably something wrong with my setup), I had similar experience with Objective-Zip and SSZipArchive. Finally I stumbled on the framework zip zap which attached to my project perfectly.
I looked into the examples:
ZZArchive* oldArchive = [ZZArchive archiveWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"/tmp/old.zip"] error:nil];
ZZArchiveEntry* firstArchiveEntry = oldArchive.entries[0];
NSLog(@"The first entry's uncompressed size is %lu bytes.", (unsigned long)firstArchiveEntry.uncompressedSize);
NSLog(@"The first entry's data is: %@.", [firstArchiveEntry newDataWithError:nil]);
but I couldn't make it work with SWIFT. The problem I faced is that I couldn't create a NSURL that worked with the ZZArchive.
let zip:ZZArchive = ZZArchive(NSURL(fileURLWithPath:"/Users/../tesData/test.zip"))
led to
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
and everything else I tried either didn't compile with a unwrapping error or compiled but on execution led to this error.
Can someone please either help me solve my unzipping problem, or lead me to a solution of how to zip/unzip/read zip/rar/cbr files with swift.
This should fix it
var path = NSURL.fileURLWithPath("/Users/../tesData/test.zip")
var archive: ZZArchive = ZZArchive(URL:(fileURLWithPath:path!), error: &err)
Here is an implementation of zzzip in swift
var err: NSError? = NSError()
var path = NSURL.fileURLWithPath("/PathToZipFile/file.zip")
var URL3 = NSURL.fileURLWithPath("/pathanywhereinsystemtosaveunzipedfolder/")
var URL2 = NSURL.fileURLWithPath("/PathToUnzippedFile/file.xxx")
var fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager() //1
let archive: ZZArchive = ZZArchive(URL:(fileURLWithPath:path!), error: &err)//2-3
//Create Folder
fileManager.createDirectoryAtURL(URL3!, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil, error: &err)
//Write First entry of archive to file
var k = archive.entries[0].newDataWithError(nil)
k.writeToURL(URL2!, atomically: false)
This works for small text files and images. it does have its limitations due to no errorchecking and only writing the first archive entery to a file. If any paths are wrong you will end with errors as soon as you try and compile.