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Play + Scala + Reactivemongo + Rest Query with 2 params

I downloaded the typesafe application "modern-web-template", which implements a crud application with play + scala + reactivemongo

I was trying to add a new functionality. I want to be able by calling a URL with two params like this


first I added this route to the routes file

GET     /users                      @controllers.Users.findUsersParams(tipoDocumento: String ?= "", numeroDocumento:  String ?= "")

Then I added this method to the controller

def findUsersParams(tipoDocumento: String, numeroDocumento: String) = Action.async {
// let's do our query
val cursor: Cursor[User] = collection.
  // find all
  find(Json.obj("tipoDocumento" -> tipoDocumento, "numeroDocumento" -> numeroDocumento)).
  // sort them by creation date
  sort(Json.obj("created" -> -1)).
  // perform the query and get a cursor of JsObject

// gather all the JsObjects in a list
val futureUsersList: Future[List[User]] = cursor.collect[List]()

// transform the list into a JsArray
val futurePersonsJsonArray: Future[JsArray] = { users =>
// everything's ok! Let's reply with the array {
  users =>

I am not able to return the expected result that should be one user, instead, I am getting all the users inside the collection


  • There is an error in your Query, it should be


    Other than that code seems fine, and should be working.