I'm experimenting with grape and Ruby by trying to make a Yo API callback function.
I can get simple examples up and running like this . . .
resource :loc do
get ':loc' do
How would I go about extracting username
and x
and y
coordinates into separate ruby variable given a callback with the following format?
When the location data is screwed up . . .
--- !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
username: sfsdfsdf
location: '42.360091'
route_info: !ruby/object:Grape::Route
:version: v1
:namespace: "/loc"
:method: GET
:path: "/:version/loc/:loc(.:format)"
loc: ''
:compiled: !ruby/regexp /\A\/(?<version>v1)\/loc\/(?<loc>[^\/.?]+)(?:\.(?<format>[^\/.?]+))?\Z/
version: v1
loc: toto
format: txt
This is how Rack::Utils works. Default params separators are "&" and ";" (its totally legal according to HTTP standard). So you have to parse query string by yourself here.
location = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(env['QUERY_STRING'], '&')['location']
coordinates = location.split(';')
UPD: typo with hash key fixed.