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A simple hello world NPAPI plugin for Google Chrome?

I am trying to make a chrome plugin but Chrome API doesn't give me enough power. I want to use NPAPI but I have no idea how to use it but I do have experience in Visual C++.

Can someone show me a 'Hello world' in C++ application so I can get started?


  • Note: Both Firefox and Chrome will default most plugins to click-to-play soon, with Chrome planning to phase out NPAPI entirely. NPAPI for new projects is discouraged at this point.

    NPAPI plugins shouldn't be browser specific (at least as far as possible). Seamonkeys npruntime sample can be considered a basic Hello World for NPAPI. If you care about up-to-date Mac support, you need to take a look at WebKits or Apples samples.

    Reading material to get you started:

    There is also the FireBreath project: It is a framework aiming at lowering the entry barrier to browser plugin development and already takes care of most common tasks and issues.