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ListCtrl - wxPython / Python

My question is if we can assign/bind some value to a certain item and hide that value(or if we can do the same thing in another way).

Example: Lets say the columns on ListCtrl are "Name" and "Description": = wx.ListCtrl(self, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT), 'Name'), 'Description')

And when I add a item I want them to show the Name parameter and the description:

num_items =, "Randomname"), 1, "Some description here")

Now what I want to do is basically assign something to that item that is not shown so I can access later on the app.

So I would like to add something that is not shown on the app but is on the item value like:

hiddendescription = "Somerandomthing"

Still didn't undestand? Well lets say I add a button to add a item with some other TextCtrls to set the parameters and the TextCtrls parameters are:




So then the user fills this textctrls out and clicks the button to create the item, and I basically want only to show the Name and Description and hide the "HiddenDescription" but to do it so I can use it later.

Sorry for explaining more than 1 time on this post but I want to make sure you understand what I pretend to do.


  • the wxListCtrl lets you associate arbitrary data with an item, that will not be displayed - read the docs for the following methods:




    The wxListItem class also has GetData and SetData methods.