I have an Input field type number where the result of the multiplication of two values is displayed.
I have set the total function which is my valueBinding in the html
Here my Ember.View.extend with the total calculation
App.TotalView = Ember.View.extend({
templateName: 'total',
tagName: 'input',
attributeBindings: ['total:value', 'placeholder', 'type'],
placeholder: null,
type: 'number',
total: (function() {
var res= parseInt(this.get('controller.newThread.selectContentTariffa')) * parseInt(this.get('controller.newThread.primary'));
return isNaN(res)?"":res;
}).property('controller.newThread.selectContentTariffa', 'controller.newThread.primary')
I have defined the calls to my NewThread
return {selectContentTariffa:null,primary:null,total:null,weight:null};
This is my html when i select the values for the calculation: valueBinding=newThread.selectContentTariffa, valueBinding=newThread.primary and valueBinding=newThread.total for the total result
<td>{{view Ember.Select
<td>{{view Em.TextField
<td>{{view "total" valueBinding=newThread.total}}</td>
<td><button class="btn btn-success" {{action add item}}>Add</button></td>
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="total">
{{view.total valueBinding=newThread.total}}
This my html where there are the values displayed after i have added them
{{#each item in model}}
i dont't know what i am missing, i have reproduced the issue here : http://emberjs.jsbin.com/qakado/13/edit?html as you can see the value of the result in the last column under is not bound
The total
property of the object assigned to the newThread
property is never set with the result. So an approach could be to make the total property a calculated property and carry out the multiplication there. Then display that property within the view.