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stringtemplate .net dynamic object

I am using string template to render some content, but the content may be variable so not sure how to pass it in (using .net / c#)

Basic idea is I have a List> which need to end up as parameters, e.g.

List<KeyValuePair<string, object>> ret = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>();
ret.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("elem1", true));
ret.Add(new KeyValuePair(string, object>("elem2", false));

Now I want these to show up in string template as:

$item.elem1$ $item.elem2$

I can get them to be $elem1$ or $elem2$ but i need them inside of a structure. So I in effect need to convince the string template setAttribute that I'm passing in an object with properties elem1 and elem2 when in fact I have a List of KeyValuePairs.



  • Actually a very small re-write of that should work. You need to use a dictionary, and you can even nest them (using ST 3.2):

    public void When_Building_Text_With_A_Dictionary_As_The_Attributes_It_Should_Map_Members_To_Keys()
        IDictionary<string, object> ret = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        ret["elem1"] = true;
        ret["elem2"] = false;
        var nestedObj = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        nestedObj["nestedProp"] = 100;
        ret["elem3"] = nestedObj;
        var template = new StringTemplate("$elem1$ or $elem2$ and value: $elem3.nestedProp$");
        template.Attributes = ret;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(sb);
        template.Write(new NoIndentWriter(writer));
        var renderedText = sb.ToString();
        Assert.That(renderedText, Is.EqualTo("True or False and value: 100"));

    Myself and a colleague were looking to replicate the functionality of STST (ST Standalone Tool), which uses json as the properties, and we built a simple JObject to dictionary converter, I can post that code and an example if it's of any use to you, it's only ~20 lines.