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PNG file or PDF file- Which offers better quality

I have a list of thumbnail images coming from server. On clicking the thumbnail nail image, the image should be enlarged. I have a confusion with the file format(Which one to use: PDF/PNG). Can anyone suggest me which format is better


  • PDF

    Portable Document Format (PDF) is an open file format which makes the PDF format suitable for sharing. These files can be viewed in a professional software program or a free acrobat reader.


    New image file format with advantages over GIF and JPEG. PNG use lossless compression of data in a wonderful way – the format compress the images so that you will not be able to detect degradation of quality. PNG files are saved with .png extension. PNG file can support both 8-bit or 24-bit colors, using a lossless compression approach.

    PNG file settings that can be controlled are: Transparency information File defined background color Adobe Gamma correction

    Use of a PNG file in a Web project is a good fit. However, because of the lack of support for the CMYK color space, and the fact that there can be no color separations, the PNG file is not a good fit in a print production cycle.

    Nontheless, JPG still offers the highest compression ratios.
    And GIF offers the ability of showing small animations (which you can simulate displaying a series of PNGs in sequence), even if only using a maximum of 256 colors, only one of which can be set as transparent.