I have the following doctrine dql query, I cant see it being much different from manual but yet I get the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Doctrine\ORM\Query\QueryException' with message 'SELECT s FROM \SessionStorage s WHERE id= ?1 AND expireAt > NOW()'
$dql = "SELECT s FROM SessionStorage s WHERE id= ?1 AND expireAt > NOW()";
$sessionstorage = $this->em->createQuery($dql)
I have tried seperating the createQuery from the setparameter but it fails at the creatQuery, but it gives not a single clue whats wrong with it. According to the documentation it should work, its very simple basic code and it works if I make it a normal pdo request.
What have I tried? i've tried using \SessionStorage, Entities\Sessionstorage, src\SessionStorage.
Tried removing the expireAt > NOW()
Changed the var from ? to :id
Tried without the s in SessionStorage s
i've googled but all I found with this error were a LOT of broken websites.
Since the doctrine documentation is cluttered as hell and unclear as it can be by not explaining what does what i'm at a loss what is wrong with this really really simple query.
Can someone please enlighten me what this query does wrong? I really dont understand why such a simple query gives such an error.