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Qt C++ connect signal with non-void signature to lambda

I want to connect a signal with non-void signature to a lambda function. My code looks like the following

QTimeLine *a = new QTimeLine(DURATION, this); connect(a, &QTimeLine::valueChanged, [a,this](qreal r) mutable { this->setMaximumHeight(r);});

in a way similar to the SIGNAL-SLOT approach:

connect(a, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal),this,SLOT(doStuff(qreal)));

My connect-to-lambda compiles, but it won't change this->height(). What did I get wrong? How should I write the lambda so that it takes the qreal from valueChanged? I read the related documentation, but I couldn't find useful examples.


In fact it works, I was getting the QTimeLine settings wrong. And yes, I don't need to capture a. I was trying to animate a custom insertRow() method of a QTableWidget. I also made the lambda change the height of the table row instead of the contained widget's. For reference, here's the working snippet:

QTimeLine *a = new QTimeLine(DURATION,this);
connect(a,&QTimeLine::valueChanged,[this](qreal r) mutable {
     this->list->setRowHeight(0,r * ROW::HEIGHT);

Thanks a lot for the quick replies anyway.


  • Should just work. Here is a complete SSCCE that demonstrates it working. Check what you are doing different in principles.


    #include <QTimeLine>
    #include <QObject>
    #include <QDebug>
    #include <QCoreApplication>
    class Foo
        void setMaximumHeight(int h) {height = h; qDebug() << "Height:" << height;}
        void doStuff() { QObject::connect(&timeLine, &QTimeLine::valueChanged, [this](qreal r) mutable { setMaximumHeight(r);}); timeLine.start(); }
        int maximumHeight() const { return height; }
        int height{0};
        int DURATION{100};
        QTimeLine timeLine{DURATION};
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
        QCoreApplication application(argc, argv);
        Foo foo;
        return application.exec();

    TEMPLATE = app
    TARGET = main
    QT = core
    CONFIG += c++11
    SOURCES += main.cpp

    Build and Run

    qmake && make && ./main