I want to create a small in Place Editor in a WPF Application for TextBox Texts. For this I want to use the RichTextBox. As the RichTextBox works with a FlowDocument, and the TextBlock with a InlineCollection, this does not work. Is there a easy way to Convert the RichtextBox Document to a InlineCollection? (If I only allow RTB Content wich is supported in a Inline?)
Something like the following extension method could be used to extract all Inlines from a FlowDocument. You might need to add some extra whitespace inlines to separate the paragraphs and sections.
public static class FlowDocumentEx
public static ICollection<Inline> GetInlines(this FlowDocument doc)
return GetInlines(doc.Blocks);
public static ICollection<Inline> GetInlines(TextElementCollection<Block> blocks)
var inlines = new List<Inline>();
foreach (var block in blocks)
if (block is Paragraph)
else if (block is Section)
return inlines;
You would use it like this: