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Restore Visual Studio 2013 ToolBox

2 Issues with VS 2013:

  • I have the default toolbox and also the AjaxToolkit toolbox, everything is working properly until I uninstall the AjaxToolkit and the toolbox is gone, I reset window layout, reset the toolbox but it is still empty. How to get the default toolbox back?

  • Secondly, I accidentally open the PerformanceExplorer in one of the project and can't not make it disappear, every time I open that project the PerformanceExplorer will pop up, that very annoying. anyuone know how to close the PerformanceExplorer?


  • Found the answer for 1st issue from:

    The following steps allow you to reset the Toolbox completely and enable Visual Studio to rebuilt it from scratch. In most cases, this procedure solves all issues related to Silverlight toolbox items.

    Above all, reset the Toolbox from Visual Studio. For this right-click the Toolbox and click the "Reset Toolbox" item. After the reset procedure is done, follow these steps:

    1. Close Visual Studio;

    2. Open the "c:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0" (Windows 7) folder and remove all the .TBD files; (10.0 is VS 2010, 12 is VS 2013 etc.)

    3. Run the "regedit" tool. For this click the "Run" item in the Start menu and type "regedit" without quotation marks;

    4. Find the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller_AssemblyFoldersExCache" and "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ToolboxControlsInstallerCache" keys;

    5. Remove everything from these keys leaving them empty; (delete all folders under ToolboxControlsInstaller_AssemblyFoldersExCache and ToolboxControlsInstallerCache)

    6. Run Visual Studio again and open a project and wait until it recreates all items in the Toolbox.

    For second issue looks like it is a bug that has not been fixed yet