The following query will search for matching subjects based on a list of properties and within a given distance. They are ranked by the number of matching properties (?numProperties), which is output as a number. How can I also print each of the properties that are matches?
select ?subject (count ( distinct ?property) as ?numProperties) ?label ?lat ?long where {
values ?property { dbpedia-owl:crosses dbpedia-owl:vehicle dbpedia-owl:reopened dbpedia-owl:years dbpedia-owl:access dbpedia-owl:third dbpedia-owl:time dbpedia-owl:construction dbpedia-owl:anniversary dbpedia-owl:series dbpedia-owl:length dbpprop:suspension dbpprop:bridge dbpprop:crosses dbpprop:City dbpprop:connecting dbpprop:last dbpprop:three dbpprop:suspension dbpprop:bridges dbpprop:built }
?subject ?property ?object .
?subject rdfs:label ?label .
?subject geo:lat ?lat .
?subject geo:long ?long .
FILTER (?long > -74.490898 && ?long < -73.490898 && ?lat > 40.207222 && ?lat < 41.207222 ) .
FILTER(langMatches(lang(?label),"EN")) .
group by ?subject ?label ?lat ?long
order by desc(?numProperties)
limit 15
#-- I took the liberty of tidying up your query a bit.
#-- The key is to use the GROUP_CONCAT aggregate function.
(count(distinct ?property) as ?numProperties)
#-- concatenate distinct properties into a ', ' separated string
(group_concat(distinct ?property;separator=', ') as ?properties)
where {
values ?property {
dbpedia-owl:crosses dbpedia-owl:vehicle dbpedia-owl:reopened
dbpedia-owl:years dbpedia-owl:access dbpedia-owl:third
dbpedia-owl:time dbpedia-owl:construction dbpedia-owl:anniversary
dbpedia-owl:series dbpedia-owl:length dbpprop:suspension
dbpprop:bridge dbpprop:crosses dbpprop:City dbpprop:connecting
dbpprop:last dbpprop:three dbpprop:suspension
dbpprop:bridges dbpprop:built
?subject ?property ?object ;
rdfs:label ?label ;
geo:lat ?lat ;geo:long ?long .
FILTER ( -74.490898 < ?long && ?long < -73.490898 &&
40.207222 < ?lat && ?lat < 41.207222 )
group by ?subject ?label ?lat ?long
order by desc(?numProperties)
limit 15