using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) scan on Android, I noticed that sometimes RSSI values are incorrect. My code simply calls the start scan function:
and then I read results in the callback and save results in a file:
private static BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback mLeScanCallback =
new BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback() {
public void onLeScan(final BluetoothDevice device, final int rssi, final byte[] scanRecord) {
String objScanRec = bytesToHex(scanRecord);
outStr = rssi + ";" + objScanRec + ";" + device.getName() + ";" + beaconLocation + ";\n";
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// }
the problem is that I read positive RSSI values, also if the beacon is at a fixed distance. E.g. I have the beacon 30 cm from the phone (or smartwatch) I read a values around -45 which are realistic, but also values around +80 or +100 (which are not realistic) those values are around 20% of measurements. Is there something that I'm missing? thanks
thanks for your help I figured out it's a problem related only to Samsung Gear Live. I came up with this s solution:
if(rssi > 0){
rssi = rssi - 128;
I've tested the solution and it works fine. (e.g. the obtained positive values after correction are now similar to negative values, for example I read
-44 -45 -43 84 82
that after correctio become:
-44 -45 -43 -44 -46