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backbone.js $el for subview not available at the time the parent view initializes it

I'm trying to render a subview within a view in Backbone. I'm following this example:

which seems to work fine. This is my code for the parent view:

], function($, _, Backbone,ProductsModel,ProductsFiltersView,productsTemplate){

  var ProductsView = Backbone.View.extend({
    el: $("#page"),

    initialize: function(){
      var self = this;
      self.model = new ProductsModel();

    render: function(){
      var pageTitle = this.model.get('title');
      document.title = pageTitle;
      var pageData = {
        title: pageTitle

      var compiledTemplate = _.template( productsTemplate ); //prerender template



    renderFiltersView: function(){
      var productsFiltersView = new ProductsFiltersView();


  return ProductsView;


And this my code for the subview:

], function($, _, Backbone,productsFiltersTemplate){

  var ProductsFiltersView = Backbone.View.extend({
    el: $(".filters.product"),

    events : {
          "click .filter-options-container" : "filterOptionContainerClick"

    initialize: function(){
      var self = this;

    render: function(){
      var compiledTemplate = _.template( productsFiltersTemplate ); //prerender template
      this.$el.html(compiledTemplate()); //this.$el.length = 0;
      //$(.filters.product').html(compiledTemplate()) //this works

      this.inlineSVG($('.filter-option')); //need to convert img tags to inline svg so we can manipulate their fill color dynamically

  return ProductsFiltersView;


No errors are being thrown, and if I change the this.$el.html in the subview to an action jquery selector, the view is rendered, but I want to fix the overall problem, which is that this view is being instantiated before the parent view's DOM contents are ready. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Here is my parent template

<div class="page-container products cf">
    <div class="products-and-filters">
        <div class="products-container">

        <div class="filters product">

    <div class="wishlist products">



  • Try


    in initialize method of subview