Please help me, give some ideas or some code)) I have the lists all hosts, and list all keys who exist in zabbix server. So, when i select needed key, how i can show which server have this key? In my example, how i can take list hosts, who have key vmware? Thanks My example:
data = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "host.get",
"params": {
"output": "extend"
"auth": authId,
"id": 2
request =, data=json.dumps(data), headers={'content-type':'application/json-rpc'})
result = []
request_res = request.json()['result']
for item in request_res:
data = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "item.get",
"params": {
"output": "extend",
"hostids": hosts_list,
"sortfield": "name"
"auth": authId,
"id": 1
request =, data=json.dumps(data), headers={'content-type':'application/json-rpc'})
request_res = request.json()['result']
keys_list = []
for items in request_res:
keys_list = dict.fromkeys(keys_list).keys()
data = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "host.get",
"params": {
"key_" : "vmware"
"output": "extend",
"auth": authId,
"id": 2
request =, data=json.dumps(data), headers={'content-type':'application/json-rpc'})
request_res = request.json()['result']
print request_res
1.) select item ids with key vmware
"method": "item.get",
"params": {
"output": ["itemid"],
"key_" : "vmware"
2.) then select hosts with these item ids
"method": "host.get",
"params": {
"output": "extend",
"itemids": [<itemsids from previous step>]