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Formatting POJO inside Grails/GSP select element

I have the following POJO/POGO:

class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName
    int age
    // ... lots of other fields

And a Grails 2.3.6 controller:

class PeopleController {
    List<Person> people = new ArrayList<Person>()

    def populatePeople() {
        // Add lots of people to the 'people' list.

    def doSomething() {

            view: "people", 
                people: people,

And then in the GSP:

<div id="peopleSelector">
    <g:select name="people" from="${people}" />

When I run my app I get the <select> element with values as <option>s. This is obviously Grails not deserializing my Person instances into pretty print form.

I want peoples' first and last names to appear as the select options. Hence, if one of the Person instances in the people list is:

Person smeeb = new Person(firstName: "Smeeb", lastNname: "McGuillocuty")

Then I would expect "Smeeb McGuillocuty" as a select option in the final HTML. How can I accomplish this?


  • Add the following method to your Person class:

    @Override public String toString() {
        "$firstName $lastName"

    And, somewhat unrelated to the actual question, you may have to add an identifier to your option rows to uniquely identify the person. Assuming the Person class has an id property:

    <g:select name="people" from="${people}" optionKey="id" />

    so that you get the following HTML:

    <select name="people" id="people">
        <option value="123">Smeeb McGuillocuty</option>

    Useful link to official doc: "..The default behaviour is to call toString() on each element in the from attribute.."