I'm a student working on an assignment where I'm supposed to doctest all internal functions. My functions use complex strings and return complex strings as well, so I have no idea how to do it. For example my function "ProcessImports()" can take the string:
And return:
How would I go around doctesting this? I've not seen any examples of using doctest that don't return classes/structs or numbers or other simple representations ("\n" doesn't seem to work, for example).
Here's the function ProcessImports(): http://pastebin.com/3JjnyKjK
Any help would be appreciated!
Edit: might wanna ignore the attempted doctest at the top. That's just me trying to mess around to find out if I can make it work and failing horribly at it.
The following example shows one successful approach; bear in mind that the doctest just needs to "look like" an interpreter session:
from textwrap import dedent
def function(s):
"""Testing doctests.
>>> print function('''%@import
... blahblah
... %@''')
s = dedent(r"""
return s
Note the continuation characters ...
on the input to the function within the docstring.