I have this initialiser script for setting my RabbitMq connection using Bunny:
require 'yaml'
config = YAML.load_file('config/rabbitmq.yml')
puts config[Rails.env]
# $bunny = Bunny.new(config[Rails.env])
$bunny = Bunny.new(:host => config[Rails.env]["host"],
:vhost => config[Rails.env]["vhost"],
:user => config[Rails.env]["user"],
:password => config[Rails.env]["password"],
$bunny_channel = $bunny.create_channel
The contents of config[Rails.env]
{"<<"=>nil, "host"=>"spotted-monkey.rmq.cloudamqp.com", "user"=>"myuser", "password"=>"mypassord", "vhost"=>"myvhost"}
The verbose syntax of the Bunny.new
command works correctly. However, when I comment out the verbose block, and leave this syntax:
$bunny = Bunny.new(config[Rails.env])
I get the following error message:
session.rb:296:in `rescue in start': Could not establish TCP connection to any of the configured hosts (Bunny::TCPConnectionFailedForAllHosts)
I was expecting it to work, since the keys are the same in both cases. Is there any way to call the constructor without specifying each parameter explicitly?
I tried to remove the "<<"=>nil
line from the yaml file, with no change in behaviour.
Having look into source code I found this:
def hostnames_from(options)
options.fetch(:hosts_shuffle_strategy, @default_hosts_shuffle_strategy).call(
[ options[:hosts] || options[:host] || options[:hostname] || DEFAULT_HOST ].flatten
It seems it is expecting a symbol :host
not, string 'host'
which is practicaly the only difference between two ways you're calling initializer. Try:
config = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new YAML.load_file('config/rabbitmq.yml')