This question in stack overflow answers how would one get dictionary from tables using pymysql. However, this method outputs column header as keys and its value as data in that column.
Whats the best way to have actual data as keys and values?
For example:
Name |Age
John |25
Tom |45
Tammy |18
I want
{John:25, Tom:45, Tammy:18}
This is what i have right now:
def name2dict(name_list):
name_list_tuple = tuple(name_list)
conn = pymysql.connect()
cur = conn.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
Name2pos = """SELECT Tables.ID, Tables.Position FROM Tables where Tables.Name in %s"""
cur.execute(Name2pos, [name_list_tuple])
query_dict = cur.fetchall()
return query_dict
Don't use a dictionary cursor - instead use the normal one. A simple example slightly adapting your code (assuming it runs okay as can't check), but can certainly be improved:
def name2dict(name_list):
name_list_tuple = tuple(name_list)
conn = pymysql.connect()
cur = conn.cursor()
Name2pos = """SELECT Tables.ID, Tables.Position FROM Tables where Tables.Name in %s"""
query_dict = dict(cur.fetchall())
return query_dict