As many of you might have encountered, the stock Android browser, thankfully discontinued in Android 4.4 is more or less the modern IE6 - riddled with bugs and broken to the point of inciting suicide amongst developers. Consequently, the need to serve resources specific to that browser is quickly becoming a necessity, and the best way to do that would be by linking stylesheets/js through the back end. So what's a fool proof way of detecting the browser using PHP?
Thankfully it's pretty simple:
//get the user agent string
//results array
$matches = [];
//perform regex query
preg_match ( '/Android.*AppleWebKit\/([\d.]+)/', $ua, $matches);
//Check if the regex query returned matches specific to
//the android stock browser.
if( isset($matches[0]) &&
//This is where we diffrentiate the stock browser from chrome,
//the default browser's webkit version never goes above 537
( isset($matches[1]) && intval($matches[1] < 537) ) ){
echo 'Browsing via stock android browser';
Please add your improved answers.