Need to update the role of the user without logout. I'm using sonata admin bundle:
class CompanyAdmin extends Admin
public function postPersist($company)
protected function checkCompanyAdmin($company){
$companyAdmins = $company->getCompanyAdmins();
if($companyAdmins) {
$companyDefaultGroup = $company->getDefaultGroup();
foreach ($companyAdmins as $ca) {
if($companyDefaultGroup) {
Help me to upgrade the roles without logout.
$token = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken($ca,null,'main',$ca->getRoles());
It is works right only if $ca==$this->getUser()
The right variant it is to add in securirty.yml: security: always_authenticate_before_granting: true