I was taking over someone else's android project and as such, asked the developer who was working on the project previously to transfer the app.
I found numerous resources on how to initiate the transfer including:
Transfer existing Android app to another developer account?
And the page on Google developer help dedicated to app transfers.
I have given the previous developer all the information required including the transaction ID, and it seems that the process has gone smoothly, he forwarded me this email: Your transfer is complete!
Thanks for providing the necessary info for your application transfer.
Thanks for supporting Google Play!
Google Play Developer Support
So naturally, I wanted to push an update to the application, but it is nowhere to be seen in the developer console. Furthermore, could not find any info about the receiving end of app transfer on either Google play help, Stack Overflow or elsewhere.
Upon trying to find a contact point for this issue, I found myself lost, Google developer help offers only very specific topics and is more like an automated service than anything, even found this open letter:
Have anyone experienced anything similar?
Thanks in advance
Turns out it was a problem on Google's side as Niek Haarman suggested.
If anyone faces something similar, this is what I did to contact Google:
I went to https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/ and clicked Contact Us.
As app transfer does not offer email option, I went for
Publishing apps on Google Play > Published app isn't showing on Google Play
And described the issue.
Google contacted me the same day completing the transfer