i try to use bound function but my code can't be compiled. I use Qt5.3.1 with MinGW 4.8.
my class :
class ProcessSearch : public QObject
explicit ProcessSearch(QObject *parent = 0);
void Search(const QString startDir, const QString destDir, QList<QString> wavList);
void status(int);
void statuslog(QString);
QString startDir, destDir;
QList<QString> wavList;
i try to bind the Search method like this :
auto f = std::tr1::bind(&ProcessSearch::Search, std::tr1::placeholders::_1, pathDest, wavList);
But i have several errors when i try to built it .... The first error :
no match for call to '(std::tr1::_Mem_fn<void (ProcessSearch::*)(QString, QString, QList<QString>)>) (const QString&, QString&, QList<QString>&)'
where is my mistake ? thx
You probably need the instance of ProcessSearch during the bind.
std::tr1::bind(&ProcessSearch::Search, this, ... )
Note, think about using C++11 and you can easily express those connections with lambdas. Or at least consider std::bind (e.g., [CppReference] http://de.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/functional/bind).