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Simple proof of stream of ones in Coq

Taking code from CPDT, I'd like to prove a property for the easy stream ones, which always return 1.

CoFixpoint ones : Stream Z := Cons 1 ones.

Also from CPDT, I use this function to retrieve a list from the stream:

Fixpoint approx A (s:Stream A) (n:nat) : list A :=
    match n with
    | O => nil
    | S p => match s with
        | Cons h t => h :: approx A t p

To get a list of five 1, e.g.:

Eval compute in approx Z ones 5.
= 1 :: 1 :: 1 :: 1 :: 1 :: nil
  : list Z

How do I prove, that for all n given to approx, the list will contain only 1? I'm not even sure how to formulate this. Should I use a help function like nth n list for lists, that return element number n from list? And that

forall (n length : nat), nth n1 (approx Z ones length) = 1

(Or maybe use Zeq instead of =.)

Am I heading the right direction?


  • I think having a more general view than the point-wise nth view of lists will be easier to deal with. Here is how I would go (the proof is 0 automation to be sure you see everything) :

    Inductive all_ones : list Z -> Prop :=
      | nil_is_ones : all_ones nil (* nil is only made of ones *)
      (* if l is only made of ones, 1 :: l is too *)
      | cons_is_ones : forall l, all_ones l -> all_ones (cons 1%Z l)
      (* and these are the only option to build a list only made of ones
    CoFixpoint ones : Stream Z := Cons 1%Z ones.
    Fixpoint approx A (s:Stream A) (n:nat) : list A :=
        match n with
        | O => nil
        | S p => match s with
            | Cons h t => h :: approx A t p
    Lemma approx_to_ones : forall n, all_ones (approx _ ones n).
    induction n as [ | n hi]; simpl in *.
    - now constructor.
    - constructor.
      now apply hi.

    If you prefer a more functional definition of all_ones, here are some equivalent definitions:

    Fixpoint fix_all_ones (l: list Z) : Prop := match l with
      | nil => True
      | 1%Z :: tl => fix_all_ones tl
      | _ => False
    Fixpoint fix_bool_all_ones (l: list Z) : bool := match l with
      | nil => true
      | 1%Z :: tl => fix_bool_all_ones tl
      | _ => false
    Lemma equiv1 : forall l, all_ones l <-> fix_all_ones l.
    induction l as [ | hd tl hi]; split; intros h; simpl in *.
    - now idtac.
    - now constructor.
    - destruct hd; simpl in *.
      + now inversion h; subst; clear h.
      + inversion h; subst; clear h. 
        now apply hi.
      + now inversion h; subst; clear h.
    - destruct hd; simpl in *.
      + now case h.
      + destruct p; simpl in *.
        * now case h.
        * now case h.
        * constructor; now apply hi.
      + now case h.
    Lemma equiv2 : forall l, fix_all_ones l <-> fix_bool_all_ones l = true.
    induction l as [ | hd tl hi]; split; intros h; simpl in *.
    - reflexivity.
    - now idtac.
    - destruct hd; simpl in *.
      + now case h.
      + destruct p; simpl in *.
        * now case h.
        * now case h.
        * now apply hi.
      + now case h.
    - destruct hd; simpl in *.
      + discriminate h.
      + destruct p; simpl in *.
        * now case h.
        * now case h.
        * now apply hi.
      + discriminate h. 

