Search code examples

Pivot Table Omitting Rows that Have Null values

I am solving a problem very similar to this only in my case, I am not summing any values.
I have been able to write a select that works using solution from this page

  GROUP_CONCAT(if(colID = 1, value, NULL)) AS 'First Name',
  GROUP_CONCAT(if(colID = 2, value, NULL)) AS 'Last Name',
  GROUP_CONCAT(if(colID = 3, value, NULL)) AS 'Job Title'
FROM tbl

However, I want to omit rows that have the value to be null


  • I assume you want to drop the result row if any of the source rows has value IS NULL.
    You should be able to achieve that with bit_and() in the HAVING clause:

    SELECT id
         , max(CASE WHEN colID = 1 THEN value END) AS fn
         , max(CASE WHEN colID = 2 THEN value END) AS ln
         , max(CASE WHEN colID = 3 THEN value END) AS jt
    FROM   tbl 
    GROUP  BY id
    HAVING bit_and(value IS NOT NULL);


    HAVING count(*) = count(value);

    I didn't spell out ELSE NULL in the CASE statements because (per documentation):

    If there was no matching result value, the result after ELSE is returned, or NULL if there is no ELSE part.