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How to create sound of ball bouncing off of bar

I am currently working on a little pong game, I am wondering on how to add sound to my game so that when the ball bounces off of one of the paddles, it will make the sound I want.

This is my code, and my sound file that i have is called "blop.wav".

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from sys import exit
import random


pygame.display.set_caption("Pong Pong!")

#Creating 2 bars, a ball and background.
back = pygame.Surface((640,480))
background = back.convert()
bar = pygame.Surface((10,50))
bar1 = bar.convert()
bar2 = bar.convert()
circ_sur = pygame.Surface((15,15))
circ =,(0,255,0),(15/2,15/2),15/2)
circle = circ_sur.convert()

# some definitions
bar1_x, bar2_x = 10. , 620.
bar1_y, bar2_y = 215. , 215.
circle_x, circle_y = 307.5, 232.5
bar1_move, bar2_move = 0. , 0.
speed_x, speed_y, speed_circ = 250., 250., 250.
bar1_score, bar2_score = 0,0
#clock and font objects
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
font = pygame.font.SysFont("calibri",40)

while True:

    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == QUIT:
        if event.type == KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == K_UP:
                bar1_move = -ai_speed
            elif event.key == K_DOWN:
                bar1_move = ai_speed
        elif event.type == KEYUP:
            if event.key == K_UP:
                bar1_move = 0.
            elif event.key == K_DOWN:
                bar1_move = 0.

    score1 = font.render(str(bar1_score), True,(255,255,255))
    score2 = font.render(str(bar2_score), True,(255,255,255))

    frame = pygame.draw.rect(screen,(255,255,255),Rect((5,5),(630,470)),2)
    middle_line = pygame.draw.aaline(screen,(255,255,255),(330,5),(330,475))

    bar1_y += bar1_move

# movement of circle
    time_passed = clock.tick(30)
    time_sec = time_passed / 1000.0

    circle_x += speed_x * time_sec
    circle_y += speed_y * time_sec
    ai_speed = speed_circ * time_sec
#AI of the computer.
    if circle_x >= 305.:
        if not bar2_y == circle_y + 7.5:
            if bar2_y < circle_y + 7.5:
                bar2_y += ai_speed
            if  bar2_y > circle_y - 42.5:
                bar2_y -= ai_speed
            bar2_y == circle_y + 7.5

    if bar1_y >= 420.: bar1_y = 420.
    elif bar1_y <= 10. : bar1_y = 10.
    if bar2_y >= 420.: bar2_y = 420.
    elif bar2_y <= 10.: bar2_y = 10.
#since i don't know anything about collision, ball hitting bars goes like this.
    if circle_x <= bar1_x + 10.:
        if circle_y >= bar1_y - 7.5 and circle_y <= bar1_y + 42.5:
            circle_x = 20.
            speed_x = -speed_x
    if circle_x >= bar2_x - 15.:
        if circle_y >= bar2_y - 7.5 and circle_y <= bar2_y + 42.5:
            circle_x = 605.
            speed_x = -speed_x
    if circle_x < 5.:
        bar2_score += 1
        circle_x, circle_y = 320., 232.5
        bar1_y,bar_2_y = 215., 215.
    elif circle_x > 620.:
        bar1_score += 1
        circle_x, circle_y = 307.5, 232.5
        bar1_y, bar2_y = 215., 215.
    if circle_y <= 10.:
        speed_y = -speed_y
        circle_y = 10.
    elif circle_y >= 457.5:
        speed_y = -speed_y
        circle_y = 457.5



  • Since you're specifically doing this in PyGame, you want to use pygame.mixer.

    See the docs, and linked examples, for full details, but basically, the key points are:

    • Call pygame.mixer.init()
    • Construct a pygame.mixer.Sound(file=path_to_wavfile) for each wavfile.
    • Every time you want to play a sound, just call

    By default, this will get you 8 channels; if you try to play 9 simultaneous sounds, one of them will fail to play. If you want to do things like, say, stop a background loop temporarily to free up its channel for a sound effect, you can handle it manually, or you can reserve some of the channels for different purposes, etc. But usually, the basics are good enough.

    Which formats pygame.mixer.Sound can handle depend on which libraries were compiled into your PyGame/SDL build. The .wav format should always be there, but if you don't want to rely on that, you can always use the stdlib's wave module to read the file, then the Sound(buffer=…) constructor.